- I am a nature/animal lover (that includes reptiles and insects). I love all animals except guinea pigs. Give me a tarantula or a rattlesnake any day...guinea pigs creep me out.
The desert is my favorite place on the planet. I don't have a spirit animal but the cactus is 100% my spirit plant.
I am an avid reader. Reading and writing are my forms of relaxation.
My two main passions in life are literacy and prisoner's rights.
I am obsessed with serial killers, strange crime/unsolved cases, and medical abnormalities.
I am honest to a fault and, at times, can be a complete hypocrite. (It counts for something if I recognize it, right?)
I can't cook. I'm lucky I can boil water. But I can fold a fitted sheet like it's fresh out of the package, I can hand wash spoons without spraying water all over myself, and I can tear saran wrap without sticking it to itself.
I have many more works in progress than anyone needs for a lifetime but if all goes well, they will each get their chance in the spotlight someday.
My stories don't have characters. They have people. The people do what they want, when they want, and I have little to no control over their actions. Most of them also have big mouths which I can only assume they picked up from me at some point.
I am a villain lover. My antagonists are always my favorite and I hope you love to hate them as much as I love to love them.