Updates for the next two months

It has been quite a while since I posted so I figured I should put something up.
I have a lot going on right now. For the months of September and October there are so many fun IG challenges that I'm using as daily writing prompts. One way or another, I try to get some words in every day. They may not always be the best, but words are words.
Round two of the NYC Midnight competition is September 13-15. We don't yet have the results from round one but I'm (im)patiently waiting for them to be posted. Going in to the competition, (of course you always want to win (or at least place)), my main goal was to get feedback and constructive criticism from fellow writers. I have to say, regardless of the outcome of rounds one and two, it was worth entering. I shared my flash fiction story in the forums and hearing what people had to say, good and bad, is invaluable. Some people called out my weaknesses, those aspects that I am already aware of. Others pointed out some flaws that I didn't notice but was able to pinpoint in
my current work in progress as well. https://www.nycmidnight.com
I am still finishing up the final edits on Distorted Perception. It is taking much longer than I anticipated but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the time and effort put in will be worth it.
I have also started planning my NaNo '19 novel, which I will begin writing on November 1, 2019. I've titled it "The Puppet Hunter". So far, I have finished my cover design, word web, character sketches, and have a rough idea of my chapter breakdown. I'm using a planning book again this year because it worked well for me last year. The worksheets I found from The Novel Factory are the best I've used so far. You can find them here: https://www.thenovelfactory.com
This year (drum roll please), I am also an ML for my local NaNoWriMo region. I have two other co-MLs and we are all so excited for November to get here. It is a month full of writing madness and goodness and everything in between. 30 days, 50,000 words, chaos, destruction, and a novel in the works. It doesn't get any better than that. https://www.nanowrimo.org
Don't forget to check out my other pages and thanks for stopping by!